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In AA, he admits he's addicted to her like he was to alcohol. Rachel is intentionally isolated by Stamper, and he begins to develop an infatuation with her. Rachel is moved by Doug Stamper out of Washington DC, to an apartment in Joppa, Maryland, a significant enough distance from the D.C.

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This causes Russo's chances of being governor to end, and he spirals out of control until he is eventually killed by Frank Underwood. She encourages him to drink alcohol into the early morning, leading to a poor performance on the radio. Rachel seduces Russo the night before he is to have an important radio interview. It is later revealed that this was the precursor to them asking one last favor of her: seduce Peter Russo one last time. Stamper later gives Posner a new lease on life, setting her up with a new apartment and job as a waitress in an upmarket Georgetown restaurant. Doug then threatens the boss by saying he will have him convicted of felonies for using undocumented workers if he does not hire Rachel back. The boss had fired Rachel after she refused his advance. Stamper defends Rachel against a sleazy boss who tried to approach her sexually. Rachel revealed that she was having hard times, so Doug asked Nancy Kaufberger if Rachel could move in with her. During this encounter he pays Rachel separately for her to sleep with him.

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Doug Stamper later met up with Rachel, and gave her $10,000 cash to keep quiet about Russo. Peter Russo hired Rachel for a night in early January 2013, where he was arrested for DUI with her in the passenger seat. She was arrested in April 2012 by the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia for loitering at the District Grand Hotel, 2460 Connecticut Avenue. She dropped out of Lorimer High School during her sophomore year and ran away from home after refusing to testify against her physically abusive father. Rachel is from just outside Lynchburg, Virginia.

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